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Wereldwijde financiën
Eenvoudig gemaakt. 

Innovatieve fintech-oplossingen om internationale handel te vereenvoudigen. Het wereldwijde account om te converteren, te innen, te betalen en te lenen in maximaal 130 valuta's in meer dan 200 landen.

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Flexible credit solutions 

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Captrex understands the challenges associated with obtaining credit to finance inventory, unlike the traditional and old fashioned trade financing products where goods are often posted as collateral and the costs associated are high with unfavourable repayment terms. 



How it works 
How it works 

Forward your payable invoices in to us for up to 100% of the purchase price of the goods, to be payed in whichever currency is required.

After selling your products/services you then repay the transaction Within your chosen time period up to 150 days in your domestic currency.​

With a revolving line of credit your can keep getting your balance refreshed after each transaction, giving flexibility to meet future needs. keeping ownership of your goods and improving working capital for long term financial health and growth. 

Pay as you go 

150 day pay back period 

Keep ownership of your goods

De betalings- en valutawisselservices van Captrex Ltd worden geleverd door Ebury Partners UK Limited.

Captrex Ltd werkt samen met Ebury Partners UK Limited als programmamanager.

Ebury Partners UK Limited is geautoriseerd en gereguleerd door de Financial Conduct Authority als een instelling voor elektronisch geld (Financial Services Register No. 900797).

Ebury Partners UK Limited is geregistreerd bij de Information Commissioner's Office, met registratienummer: ZA345828.

Captrex Ltd is een bedrijf geregistreerd in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, bedrijfsnummer 14335485, geregistreerd adres: Flat 2 Brook House 39 High Street, Repton, Derby, Engeland, DE65 6GD.

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